Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Inspiration comes in all kinds of forms; actions, people, things. Inspiration is the divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul. Sometimes inspiration comes your way when you least expect it. Inspiring people can change our lives. The title of my blog has started to change my life and it was actually off of a fortune cookie. It was a fortune eating that chinese food that night and even more meeting the one I was eating the chinese food with.

I truly believe that all great things do start with small beginnings. I think if you take steps towards a goal and keep working for it, it will become great. Pablo Picasso didn't become a painter over night and Michael Jordan didn't slam dunk the first time he held a basketball. We need to surround ourselves with inspiration so that we encourage ourselves to take the next leap. And sometimes inspiration just takes you, leads you in the right direction and really all the pieces fall into place.

Everything happens for a reason.