Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Turn It Around.

Today I was thinking about all the countless hours I have been complaining, regardless of what it is. It has been a waste of time. All those hours could have been put towards something that is actually of good use. I have been so miserable that I have forgot how great my life really is. I guess sometimes I feel so trapped like so many who work in an office and hardly see the sunshine at all. Sometimes in hard times, you have to suck it up and make the best out of the situation. Plus when you really think you have bad, there is always someone that has it worse. But I know I don't have it bad at all. Its completely opposite actually. My life is surrounded with happiness and love. I think sometimes we get so carried away with this one thought of how bad something seems...and yes maybe you are not working your dream job, maybe you don't live in the most beautiful neighborhood, and maybe you don't even know who you are yet. But what I do know is that complaining won't change my life and it will only bring me and the ones I love down. So I have decided to change my outlook on life, by doing small simple acts of kindness. I signed up for this great volunteer program in NYC and I start orientation next week!

I have been wanting to make lunches for the homeless for a while now and while I was walking home from work today I saw someone who could use a lunch, to say the least. So I ran home, but not fast enough. My first attempt had not worked he disappeared before I could give him the lunch, well I guess dinner since it was past 6. So I decided that it couldn't be far before I would see another person in need. So I started running and there by the park I saw a man, dressed in black sleeping on the pavement. I tapped him on the shoulder be he didn't budge...he was probably dreaming of something better than the life he was currently living. Anyways I propped the lunch down and left. I hope he, like me, can see the positiveness in his life and use that energy to turn it all around.

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